(8,6.4) Let (ga) be a sequence of mappings of an interval I <=. R into F, and
suppose that, for each n,
#„(£) is the derivative of a continuous function fn
except for the points £ of a denumerable subset Dn
c= L Suppose in addition
(1) there exists a point £0 e I such that the sequence (/B({0)) converges
F; (2) for every point C e I, there is a neighborhood B(Q with respect to I
such that in B(Q the sequence (gn) converges uniformly. Then for each C e A,
/Ae sequence (/„) converges uniformly in B(Q; O/K/ i/ we jwf /„(£) =

andg(Q = lim #„(£), *Ae/i ^ coery point of A not in \J Dn, /'(£) =
The proof repeats that of (8.6.3), using (8.5.2) instead of (8.5.4).

(8.6.3) yields in particular:
(8.6.5) Let A be an open connected subset in a Banach space, (un) a sequence
of differentiate mappings of A into a Banach space
F. If for every aeA,
there is a ball
B(#) of center a contained in A and such that the series (u^) is
uniformly convergent in
B(#), and if there exists a point x0e A such that
the series (un(x0)) is convergent, then for each aeA, the series (un) is uniformly

convergent in B(<z), and its sum s(x) has a derivative equal to ]T u'n(x) at
every xe
1. Let /, g be two real valued differentiable functions defined in an open interval I c: R.
It is supposed that f(t) > 0,#0) > 0,/x(/) > 0 and g'(t) > 0 in I. Show that if the
function fig' is strictly increasing in I, either fig is strictly increasing in I, or there
exists eel such that fig is strictly decreasing for t ^ c and strictly increasing for
t>c. (Prove that if f(s)lg'(s) <f(s)lg(s\ then for any / < s, f'(t)/ff'(t) <f(t)/g(t).)
Apply to the function

tan t tan a
t tan t a tan a
in the interval ]a, 77/2 [.

2. (a) Let I be an open interval in R, x0 e R one of its extremities, /a continuous mapping
of I into a Banach space E. Suppose there is a denumerable subset D of I such that at
each point of I — D,/has a derivative on the right. In order that//(/) have a limit when
/ tends to *0 in I - D, a necessary and sufficient condition is that (/(/) -f(s))/(t — s)
have a limit when the pair (s, r) tends to (jt0, *0) in the set defined by ,9 e I, t e I, s ^ t.
Both limits are then the same; if c is their common value, show that/( /) has a limit in E
when / tends to XQ in I, and that if/is extended by continuity to I u {jc0} (3.15.5),
(/(') -/(*o))/(f - *o) tends to c when / tends to x0 in I. (Use the mean value theorem
and Cauchy's criterion.)